The thirty-two plate black-lacquered sujibachi from the 16th century, with original tehen kanamono, the five lame Hineno jikoro of kiritsuke kozane gold-lacquered, the fukigaeshi with a gold-lacquered mon, a good iron ryubu menpo associated three lame itamono yodarekake laced in red sugake odoshi, kosode in iron gold-lacquered and laced in red kebiki odoshi associated and gold-lacquered shinogote associated, the gomai iron okegawa yokohagido black-lacquered, on the front a design of shishi, and peonies, on the back a modern agemaki no kan and agemaki, leather gold-lacquered kusazuri attached to the do by brocade, the karutagane haidate mounted on the same fabric, black-lacquered shino suneate, the fabric matching the kote; together with an armour box and a wood stand.