Traces of red pigment. A set of 13 very similar figures, dating to the Eastern Zhou dynasty (5th-3rd centuries BC), can be found in the collections of the National Gallery in Prague, which acquired them during the period from 1950 to 1971.
Provenance: collection of Milan Tichy.
Literature: Lubor Hajek - Čínské umění (Chinese Art), Prague, SNKLHU, 1954, text p. 169, illustration no. 37 - 39.
Huixian fajue baogao, Beijing, Kexue chubanshe, 1956.
Michael Sullivan - Far Eastern Art, London, 1960.
Lubor Hajek and Ladislav Kesner - Čínské hrobové figury ve sbírkách Národní galerie v Praze (Chinese Tomb Figures in the Collections of the National Gallery in Prague), Prague, Národní Galerie, 1985.
Zhongguo dabaike quanshu - Kaoguxue, Beijing, Zhongguo dabaike quanshu chubanshe, 1986.